Calvary Baptist Christian Academy hosted “Dress for Culture Day” in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II under the theme “Majesty”.
“Dress For Culture Day is a fundraiser for CNCF. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the rich cultural melting pot that is in Cayman. The team at CNCF believe it is essential that we honor the fact that over 100 nationalities live harmoniously in our three small islands, skillfully intermingling their cultures while maintaining the uniqueness and traditions of each individual country represented.”
This event was held on the school compound on Friday March 11, 2022.
The students and staff dressed in various outfits showcasing the various cultures that embedded within this institution.

We had students and staff dressing in outfits from the following countries:
Cayman, Jamaica, Kenya, USA, Costa Rica, Barbados, Philippines, Trinidad, Grenada, Nicaragua, Cuba, Honduras, Colombia, Guyana, Belize, Japan, Bulgaria and Cuba.
The Day’s events went well. We had a display with significant artefacts from the various cultures. Each class were given a tour of the display and was informed about the artefacts.

After lunch break, we had a cultural concert where students performed a cultural item, following by a power point presentation. This power point presentation showed important facts about the various countries, this was followed by a Guest Speaker, Mrs. Donna Bryant, who concluded with the Cayman Islands. She exposed students to various artefacts significant to the Cayman Islands and their usage.
We ended the day with the students and Teachers sampling foods from the various cultures. These foods were contributed by parents and staff.

Dress for culture Day was a success.

Written by: Daa-Marie Montegue